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Monday, April 6, 2009

KEKAL Launches Second Annual Meet

The guest of honour being greeted by KEKAL members. Photos: Kasha
Visitors taking a look at some of the exhibits

Tutong - Kekal motorcycle club, Tutong was established on August 29, 2006. The club aims to train members to adhere to road safety rules and regulations and also in helping the community.
The club started with 16 members and has grown to 95 members from throughout the nation. Among the achievements of the club includes successful expeditions to neighbouring Sabah and Sarawak.

The club launching event and the second annual general meeting was held yesterday at the Main Hall of the Community Hall. The event started with the mass recital of surah al-fatihah followed by a welcoming speech by the Chairman Mosli Haji Abdul Hadis and another speech by the president of the 2007-2009 club session, Haji Md Yussof Haji Abdul Siput.

Senior Superintendent Pg Kamaluddin Pg Setia Raja Haji Jaya from the Royal Brunei Police Force was the guest of honour at the event. He officiated the ceremony and also presented membership certificates and certificates of appreciation to members. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Take proper precautions on roads to avoid accidents

Tutong - Road safety is the responsibility of everyone and if everyone takes proper road precautions, there is a higher chance of avoiding road accidents including road deaths, said a senior official from the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF).

Senior Superintendent Pg Kamaluddin Pg Setia Raja Pg Hj Jaya, deputy director of the Investigations and Traffic Control Unit (JSKLL), was speaking as the guest of honour during the official launching of the Kekal Motorcycle Club at the Tutong Community Hall yesterday.

"The road is everyone's property, including pedestrians, and anyone who uses the road is not exempted from its rules and regulations," he said.

The officer noted that a majority of accidents occur because of carelessness from the driver and in this context he urged the riders to reduce their speed whenever they're in areas with speed limits, schools or narrow roads. He also noted that they should slow down whenever the road is wet because of the rain.

"It is advised that bikers as well as their passengers make it a habit of wearing helmets that are fit for safety by the Land Transport Department and not just because the helmets look fancy."
He further warned motorcyclists who modified their bikes until they produce sounds so loud that they were disturbing public peace, could he considered as an offence to the law.

"Bikers who like to convoy should also be warned as these kinds of activities not only jammed up the roads and distract other drivers but they could also be very dangerous."

The officer advised that any clubs or associations that plan to organise convoy visits should inform the Investigations and Traffic Control Unit, RBPF, to prepare the necessary safety precautions beforehand. He emphasised that convoys to assist weddings were strictly prohibited.
"This is to avoid an unfortunate event from happening as well as to avoid blocking other vehicles that are using the road," he said.

At the event, membership certificates were presented to Kekal members and certificates of appreciation were handed out to those who participated in the event, including private companies who had their motorcycle products on display.

A souvenir was also presented to the guest of honour who was then brought to observe a mini motorcycle exhibition organised by the club.

The club was established early 2006 but due to other commitments and clashing events, were unable to officially launch in until today, according to Hj Md Yussof Hj Siput, the club president for 2007-2009.

Currently, the club boasts more than 95 members. Among the activities they had organised included several expeditions throughout Borneo.

The club hopes to uphold motorbike safety as well as promote unity among motorcycle enthusiasts in the country.

An annual general meeting was also held later in the afternoon to discuss positions in the club for 2009-2011 as well as various activities and events that they plan to organise. -- Adapted By Courtesy of The Brunei Times

1st Qlap Custom Bike Show